Out of Calamity - A Book of Courage
“Just Released”
“A book of Stories of Courage and Endurance in the face of affliction, told with raw honesty, straight from the mouths of people who have experienced severe trauma through accident or illness”.
As told by Professor Roger Rees “out of Calamity is a book of stories gathered through 25 years of experience running a rehabilitation and education Consultancy.
Roger says; this book is essential reading for people with acquired brain Injury and for the families and Carers of these people through their struggles to regain their lives.
All Proceeds from our sale of “Out of Calamity” are generously donated to Gippsland Carers Association by Roger Rees to assist us in our support of Carers and their families.
“Every Australian who doubts the urgent need for a National Disability Insurance Scheme, will surely change their minds if they have the privilege of reading this book”.
To view the Flier for Out of Calamity Click Here
The book price is $24.95 and is highly recommended reading. Postage will cost $5.00 extra or msy be colleced in person from Carers Place.
To order your copy Contact Us
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Help for Carers
Gippsland Carers - for Information, Links to Services, Peer Support and Advocacy
Gippsland Carers are now located at 35 Hotham Street Traralgon VIC 3844.
Office hours every Tuesday from 10am to 2pm - Phone: 0474 162 786.
The office space is wheelchair accessible. No appointment necessary, pop in for a chat or a cuppa.
We offer peer Carer Support by Phone any time or complete your details on the Contact Us menu and we will call or contact you.
Go to Help for Carers Here for other helpful contact information
We aim to grow Carer Support Groups for Gippsland soon. Our new Carers Place has space for meetings- To find out how you can join in Click Here
'Watch this space for more exciting news about growing our help for Carers.'